Roles: Writer
Works: Shuri; Hawkeye; The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys: National Anthem; The Sakai Project; Batman ’66; Doctor Who; Guardians of Infinity; Doctor Strange
WebsiteRoles: Writer
Works: Shuri; Hawkeye; The True Lives of the Fabulous Killjoys: National Anthem; The Sakai Project; Batman ’66; Doctor Who; Guardians of Infinity; Doctor Strange
WebsiteRoles: Writer
Works: Ultraduck; Conan The Barbarian; Strange Academy; X-Men; Jabba the Hutt; Maruaders
WebsiteRoles: Writer
Works: Deadpool; Amazing Spider-Man; Fearless; Bettie Page; Gwenpool; Marvel’s Voices: Legacy; Marvel’s Voices: Comunidad; Spider-Woman
WebsiteRoles: Writer, Artist
Works: Los Fantamas de mi ciudad; Illegal Cargo; Tiempos Muertos; Québec, Apuntes de viaje; Último Chance; El Maizo, lla malddición del vástago; Encuentro en la tormenta
WebsiteRoles: Writer, Artist, Animator
Works: The Mandolorian; CruZader; The Lunar Ladies; The Glutton; Major Thomás